Lauri Lyn Hyers
The Pennsylvania State University
To the extent that encounters with prejudice are commonplace in the lives of oppressed group members, so, too, are the coping responses that necessarily follow such encounters. Emerging research suggests that oppressed group members make use of a wide array of responses in contending with that prejudice (Branscombe & Ellemers, 1998; Essed, 1991; Feagin & Sikes, 1994; Lalonde and Cameron, 1994; Landrine & Klonoff, 1997; Swim, Cohen, & Hyers, 1998). Assertive confrontation is one type of response to everyday prejudice that has been given little attention, though it may play an important role in reducing prejudice in society and in restoring a sense of empowerment for oppressed group members. Thus, the present paper explores assertive responding to prejudice in more detail, from the perspective of both the oppressed group member and the perpetrator. To provide a richer picture of assertive …