Terry Spahr, Travis Rieder, Kate Cho
APHA's 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo (Nov. 2-Nov. 6)
Humanity’s demand for resources vastly exceeds nature’s ability to supply them. Food, water, climate and health emergencies are unfolding before our eyes. The highly-anticipated documentary feature, 8 Billion Angels, connects the dots between the size of our global population and the sustainability of our species and the planet. It dispels the misperceptions that technology can save us, reducing consumption is possible, and that the developing world is to blame.
8 Billion Angels weaves together the voices of people around the world as they confront the growing impact of overpopulation on their lives and the planet. The film unflinchingly shows how our skyrocketing numbers are affecting our rivers, oceans, land and air. After exposing the multitude of problems afflicting our planet, many environmental documentaries end. Very few environmental documentaries bother to discuss real, science-based solutions. 8 Billion Angels invests a significant portion of screen time on solutions--both personal and public policy actions--that are realistic, proven, and effective.