D Grazhdani
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
Concerns over the relationship between environmental protection, prevention of loss of biodiversity and protection of habitats and of internationally important species of flora and fauna, on the one hand and sustainable economic activities and recreation in a protected area on the other, can all be dealt with effectively by appropriate regulatory and policy measures, particularly with the support of local actions that strive to preserve local biotopes and conditions. The aim of the present paper is to provide information on the current situation of the fisheries on the Albanian side of the lake Shkodra (AL-Shkodra), along with the existing practices and regulations, and to offer views from an Albanian perspective that will help resolve some of the current difficulties. The aquatic ecosystem of this lake is rich in endemic species and others. On the Albanian side some fishermen from the villages around the lake regularly fish these waters. Unfortunately, its activities are disorganized and carried out on an individual basis, while half of them fish informally, ie without a license. The study involved a field survey where respondents were selected using a random sampling technique to complete a survey instrument. This paper also presents to a wider public the economic, ecological and evolutionary importance of this lake. Given the relevant legislation on water use and administration, fisheries, nature conservation and biodiversity there is a need for integration of the different sectors. While a broad legal framework covering all issues exists, there is a need for setting up priorities for securing a healthy environment for future generations. It is very important for the future …