Najlaa Ibrahim Al-Sammak, Safwan Hashim Jamel ReemYaseenBarhawi
Breastfeeding is one of the rights of all new-borns throughout the world in order to acquire the required nutrients for their development and growth. Maternal commitment with breastfeeding guidelines is very essential to achieve its optimal benefits for both mothers and infants. Thus, monitoring of maternal knowledge and performance regarding breastfeeding is essential to shade the light on the gaps, if present, and correct them early and appropriately. The aim of this study is to evaluate the knowledge and practices of mothers regarding their infants’ breastfeeding in Mosul City. After obtaining their consent, 500 mothers were interviewed to determine their awareness concerning breastfeeding. A case-series study was applied on those women who attended Al-Khansaa and Al-Salam teaching hospitals" two major hospitals in Mosul City". The questionnaire form involved queries about the study sample characteristics in addition to the knowledge and practices of mothers about breastfeeding, their sources of information, and their reasons of premature discontinuation of breastfeeding. Data were collected over a period of 4 months, then tabulated and analysed using Microsoft Excel 2013. The greater proportions of the study sample aged≥ 7 months, males, full-term, with normal vaginal delivery, and either never or remain for< 24 hours in the hospital. The best knowledge were about the benefits of colostrum and the immunological property of breast milk (93.2% and 96.2%), and the least knowledge were about the completed breastfeeding period (only 65.6%) and the ideal time of food supplementation to the baby (only 53.4%). Almost one third (34.6 …