Richard H Moss, Mustafa Babiker, Sander Brinkman, Eduardo Calvo, Tim Carter, James A Edmonds, Ismail Elgizouli, Seita Emori, Erda Lin, Kathy Hibbard, Roger Jones, Mikiko Kainuma, Jessica Kelleher, Jean Francois Lamarque, Martin Manning, Ben Matthews, Jerry Meehl, Leo Meyer, John Mitchell, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Brian O'Neill, Ramon Pichs, Keywan Riahi, Steven Rose, Paul J Runci, Ronald Stouffer, Detlef VanVuuren, John Weyant, Thomas Wilbanks, Jean P van Ypersele, Monica Zurek
This report summarizes the findings and recommendations from the Expert Meeting on New Scenarios in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 19-21 September 2007. This report is the culmination of the combined efforts of the New Scenarios Steering Committee, an author team composed primarily of members of the research community, and numerous other meeting participants and external reviewers who provided extensive comments during the expert review process. The expert meeting included presentations focused on needs for scenarios as seen from a policymaking perspective, a review of past IPCC scenarios, overviews of evolving plans in the research community, needs and opportunities for scenarios on two different time scales ('near term' to 2035, and 'long term' to 2100, extended to 2300 for some applications), and a review of options for the benchmark scenarios, referred to in the report as 'Representative Concentration Pathways' (RCPs). Additional presentations addressed institutional issues and options for increasing participation by developing and transition-economy countries. The remainder of the meeting was organized around a series of breakout groups and plenary sessions that provided an opportunity for the research communities to further coordinate their plans, to refine the proposal for the RCPs, and to consider additional cross-cutting issues. (ln)