Faith Thuita Mugure, KN Mwadime, JK Wangombe
University of Nairobi
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of access to microfinance credit by women entrepreneurs on household food security in three urban low income areas in airobi, Kenya. A total of 787 respondents comprising of 337 Microfinance Institution (MFI) clients and 450 non clients participated in this study. A structured pretested questionnaire was used to interview respondents in both groups. Households of microfinance clients consumed more diverse diets compared to those of non clients, reflected in the dietary diversity scores for the two study groups which were significantly different (P<0.01). Findings of the study showed that overall, households of microfinance clients consumed more nutritious and diverse diets compared to those of non clients. Participation in microfinance programmes led to improved food security in households of clients. The study provides evidence that access to microfinance credit influences household food consumption patterns positively in urban low income areas.