Ermira Milori, Stela Ruci, Eliana Ibrahimi, Sajmir Beqiraj
Journal of Earth and Environmental Science Research. SRC/JEESR-182. DOI: doi. org/10.47363/JEESR/2021 (3)
Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896, or as it is otherwise called blue crab, is an invasive species, which was reported for the first time to the Mediterranean Sea in 1949. It has been spread and adapted well to almost the entire Mediterranean and during the recent years even along the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Today it is considered as one of the worst invasive marine species in this region, with an impact on both biodiversity and socio-economic aspects.
After a preliminary study on the distribution of blue crab in the Albanian coast, the aim of this study is to provide data on the presence and abundance of this species and to evaluate the population structure by measuring biometric parameters in the lagoon of Orikum. Blue crab observations and collections are conducted almost every month during the period 2012, 2014 and 2015 in the Orikum lagoon. Based on standard method of biometric parameters, measurements of weight, height and width of individuals collected during the study period in the Orikum lagoon were performed. During the study period questionnaires were distributed to local fishermen to collect information on the presence of the blue crab, asses its condition and its possible impact on other populations in the Orikum lagoon.
E Milori, S Ruci, E Ibrahimi, S Beqiraj - Journal of Earth and Environmental Science Research …, 2021