Vavilapalli Rajesh, V Rakesh, Sumit Jangra, Amalendu Ghosh
Indian Journal of Entomology
Thrips are major pests of agricultural and horticultural crops worldwide. In addition to causing direct damage, thrips are the most common vector of tospoviruses. Currently, thrips control is mostly based on chemical insecticides, but effective control can be difficult to achieve because it has developed resistance to various insecticides. Therefore, there is an urgent need for novel alternative management options. A viable strategy for the management of the virus-vector complex involves understanding the molecular links between thrips and viruses and disrupting their association. RNA interference, a sequence-specific method to suppress target gene expression, is a conserved process in all eukaryotic organisms and has emerged as a new tool for reverse genetics and potential pest control. Advancements in RNA interference-based gene silencing techniques in the past few years could potentially be utilized in the management of the thrips-tospovirus complexes. RNA interference-mediated plant protection strategies have the potential to revolutionize pest management practices in a sustainable and effective way if development is carried out profoundly by discerning bioinformatics identification, in-silico designing of RNAi trigger molecules, laboratory and field-based toxicity and biosafety investigations.