Lijing Zhao, Piao Yang, Wenhui Li, Zhenzhen Zhao, Ye Xia
Trichoderma is a genus of wood-decaying fungi generally found in soil (Druzhinina and Kubicek 2005). Trichoderma crassum was confirmed to be a sister species to T. virens according to molecular sequencing results (Chaverri et al. 2003). A foliar disease with; 70% incidence on Solanum lycopersicum was observed in a greenhouse at The Ohio State University (40 0980 N, 83 19360 W), Columbus, USA, in December 2021. On average up to 60% of the leaves on 2-month-old tomato plants were infected. Initially, dark-gray, irregular spots appeared at the leaf tips. As the disease progressed, yellow necrotic lesions were observed surrounding the preformed disease spots. Finally, the infected leaves appeared curled and wilted as a whole. Leaf fragments from three tomato plants 40 inches apart were cut from the diseased lesions, surface sterilized with 75% ethanol (30 s) and 1% NaOCl (60 s), and rinsed with …
L Zhao, P Yang, W Li, Z Zhao, Y Xia - 2022