Jacqui Smith, Gwenith Fisher, Lindsay Ryan, Philippa Clarke, Jim House, David Weir
Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
In 2004, HRS piloted a new feature for data collection in the form of a self-administered questionnaire (SAQ) that was left with respondents upon the completion of an in-person Core Interview. Since 2006, this mode of data collection has been utilized to obtain information about participants' evaluations of their life circumstances, subjective wellbeing, and lifestyle. This psychosocial information is obtained in each biennial wave from a rotating (random) 50% of the core panel participants who complete the enhanced face-to-face interview (EFTF). Longitudinal data are available at four-year intervals: the 2010 wave provides the first longitudinal psychosocial data from the 2006 participants. Some longitudinal data is also available for the 2004 participants in subsequent waves. Electronic versions of the questionnaires–the Psychosocial and Lifestyle SAQ–used in the 2004 pilot, and the 2006-2022 waves are available on the HRS website (Documentation/Questionnaires-scroll down to the end of the Biennial Content to Psychosocial-Section LB). Because the questionnaire was left with respondents at the end of the EFTF interview for them to complete and mail back to study offices, the questionnaire came to be known and is referred to on the HRS website as the Leave-Behind (LB). We use the terms Psychosocial and Lifestyle SAQ and Leave-Behind (or LB) in this report to refer to the self-administered psychosocial data collection.
J Smith, G Fisher, L Ryan, P Clarke, J House, D Weir - Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, 2013