Jean Lang, Jane Zuckerman, Paul Clarke, Peter Barrett, Christopher Kirkpatrick, Christine Blondeau
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
As part of the clinical validation process of a new working seed of a licensed yellow fever vaccine (new working seed PV26, Stamaril; Pasteur Mérieux Connaught, Lyon, France), the immunogenicity and safety of two batches of this vaccine (PM-YF) were compared with those of another commercially available vaccine (Arilvax; Evans Medical-Wellcome, Liverpool, United Kingdom) in 211 healthy adults. While the geometric mean titer values at days 10–14 and day 28 after vaccination were higher in the PM-YF group, the vaccines provided equivalent seroprotection (titers 1/10) one month after a single vaccine dose (100% PM-YF versus 99% W-YF; P 0.001, by one-sided equivalence test). Both vaccines were safe. There were no serious local or systemic reactions reported, nor any clinically significant hepatic function abnormalities associated with the use of either vaccine. These two 17D yellow fever vaccines from different European vaccine manufacturers were highly immunogenic and safe, and provided equivalent seroprotection.
Yellow fever is a viral tropical disease, occurring endemically, with periodic epidemics, in the Americas and Africa. The yellow fever virus, a member of the Flavivirus family, is mosquito borne, and in humans produces a clinical disease characterized by sudden onset of fever, followed by hepatorenal dysfunction and hemorrhage. Epidemics can be associated with attack rates of 33% and mortality rates of more than 75%. 1, 2 Since 1980, there has been a sudden re-emergence of this disease in Africa and South America, with a total of 18,735 cases and 4,522 deaths reported world-wide between 1987 and 1991. This …
J Lang, J Zuckerman, P Clarke, P Barrett, C Kirkpatrick… - The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 1999