Lilik Yusetyani, Herra Studiawan, Reni Sulistyawati
Proceeding of International Conference on Drug Development of Natural Resources June 30th
Background. Wild Ginger (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) and turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val) are traditional herbals which can be used as analgesics.
Methods. The method used was experimental method with Post Test Control Group Design. Male mice aged 2-3 months with weight of±20 grams were divided into 8 groups, each consists of 5 mice. All mice adapted for 1 week in advance. Positive control group was given 2.68 mg/20g body weight acetosal, group II was treated with a solution of ethanol extract of ginger dose 0.84 mg/20g body weight, group III was treated with a solution of ethanol extract of ginger dose 1.68 mg/20g body weight, group IV was treated with a solution of ethanol extract of ginger dose 2.52 mg/20g body weight, group V was treated with a solution of ethanol extract of turmeric dose 0.91 mg/20g body weight, group VI were treated with a solution of ethanol extract of turmeric dose of 1.82 mg/20g body weight, group VII were treated with a solution of ethanol extract of turmeric 2.73 mg/20g dose of body weight, Group VIII as negative control was given 0.5 ml/20g body weight CMC-Na. After 30 minutes the eight groups were injected with 0.2 ml 0.6% acetic acid intraperitoneal and then allowed to stand for 10 minutes, henceforward, the stretchings of the mice were observed and calculated. The data was analyzed with the Annova test.
Results. The result analyzed statistically with ANOVA test and LSD test menu showed that there was no significant difference between group K (+) in group TL1, TL2, TL3, KY1, KY2, KY3; groups TL1 to KY1; group TL2 to KY2; group TL3 to KY3. While the results showed there were significant …