Michelle L Meade, Celia B Harris, Penny Van Bergen, John Sutton, Amanda J Barnier
Oxford University Press
" Much information in our lives is remembered in a social context, as we often reminisce about shared experiences with others, and more generally remember in the social context of our communities and our cultures. Memory researchers across disciplines and subdisciplines are actively exploring collaborative remembering. However, despite this common interest and growing research area, there is currently relatively little crosstalk between perspectives. This is at least partly due to differences in the assumptions, methodologies, and conclusions that guide different approaches, and which can make it difficult to synthesize and compare methods and findings. The primary purpose of this book is to feature outstanding recent work on collaborative remembering across several fields and subfields (including developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, discourse processing, philosophy, neuropsychology, design, and media studies), to highlight the points of overlap and contrast, and to initiate conversations and debate both within and across the various perspectives. Toward that end, we present a comprehensive and field-defining set of chapters that illustrate the many different perspectives of collaborative memory research, and demonstrate the nuance and complexity of collaborative remembering within and across research traditions."--