Vlada Bilohur, Iryna Skrypchenko, Oleksandr Nepsha
Humanities Studies
ЗНУ, Запоріжжя
The article considers sports management as a new sport scientific direction, which is in demand in the sports world today. Sports management in its essence is the sports management, the formation of a coordinated sports team; this is the management of sport organizations at the micro- and macro-level, aimed at promoting the sport development. The purpose of the research is the conceptualization of sports management as an effective factor, which is based on the activity of sports organizations. Research tasks: 1) to analyze the main functions, values, components and sports management characteristics; 2) find out sport as an educational phenomenon and a condition for the formation of a healthy and active personality; 3) identify the educational sports management goals and directions as a sport education type. Research methodology. The article uses phenomenological, axiological, systemic, structural-functional, institutional methods to reveal the essence, characteristics, functions, and role of sports management aimed at the formation of a healthy and active personality. In the sports management analysis, general philosophical methods were used – analysis, synthesis, generalization, logical and historical, cross-cultural analysis. Research result. Sport as an educational phenomenon and a condition for the formation of a healthy and active personality, which is based on coaching, which contains the sports management essence, is clarified. Sports management has become a popular choice for students who love sports and want to be involved in sports business, which includes sports marketing, communication, finance, economics, history …