Mark Exworthy, Francesca Frosini, Lorelei Jones, Stephen Peckham, M Powell, I Greener, Paul Anand, Jacky Holloway
This project will examine the inter-relationship between governance mechanisms, autonomy and incentives in local health economies (LHEs). This interaction shapes decentralisation policies in the NHS and is thought to shape LHE performance. Recently, English health policy has been implementing new forms of decentralisation (eg. earned autonomy, Foundation Trusts) by altering the mix of governance mechanisms (command, collaboration and competition) and making explicit use of autonomy and incentives, thereby aiming to improve NHS performance. Local contextual factors might also shape performance outcomes. The project involves a synergy between the multi-disciplinary teams involved in 2 previous NCC-SDO funded studies. The aim is to investigate the inter-relationship between decentralisation and performance in LHEs. The project has 5 objectives: a. To examine the impact of decentralisation upon performance through analysis of selected 'tracers (as examples of current priorities) in 3 case-studies; b. To describe the local interaction of governance mechanisms; c. To evaluate the degree of autonomy available to local health-care organisations; d. To assess the (financial and non-financial) incentives associated with different policy initiatives; e. To provide lessons for policy-makers and managers at all levels in implementing decentralisation, managing the implications of autonomy and incentives, and addressing performance management through incentives. The study will use mixed methods. First, analysis of policy and performance data will generate the broad pattern of decentralisation and performance across England …