Sandeep Gupta, Holger Weinacker, Barbara Koch
Remote Sensing
Molecular Diversity Preservation International
In the past, many algorithms have been applied for three-dimensional (3-D) single tree extraction using Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) data. Clustering based algorithms are widely used in different applications but rarely being they used in the field of forestry using ALS data as an input. In this paper, a comparative qualitative study was conducted using the iterative partitioning and hierarchical clustering based mechanisms and full waveform ALS data as an input to extract the individual trees/tree crowns in their most appropriate shape. The full waveform LIght Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) data was collected from the Waldkirch black forest area in the south-western part of Germany in August 2005 with density of 4–5 points/m2. Both the clustering algorithms were used in their original and modified form for a comparative qualitative analysis of the results obtained in the form of individual clusters containing 3-D points for each tree/tree crown. A total of 378 trees were found in all the 1.2 ha area with height ranging from 15 m to 50.9 m. The forest contains mainly older trees with deciduous, coniferous and mixed stands. The findings showed that among the three kind of clustering methods applied (normal k-means, modified k-means and hierarchical clustering), the modified k-means algorithm using external seed points and scaling down the height for initialization of the clustering process was the most promising method for the extraction of clusters of  individual trees/tree crowns. A 3-D reconstruction of extracted individual clusters was carried out using QHull algorithm. In this study, the result was not possible to validate quantitatively due to lack of the …