Robert Cervero
A transit metropolis is a region where a workable fit exists between transit services and urban form. In some cases this means compact, mixed-use development well suited for rail services, and in others it means flexible, fleetfooted bus services well suited to spread-out development. Part 1 of the book introduces the transit metropolis as a paradigm for sustainable regional development; part 2 provides four case studies-Stockholm, Copenhagen, Singapore and Tokyo-featuring cityscapes that have been designed and contoured, largely as a result of farsighted and proactive land use planning to support very intense rail transit services; part 3 discusses the hybrids, places that have struck a workable balance between concentrating development along trunkline transit corridors and adapting transit to serve spread-out suburbs efficiently; part 4 covers the strong-core cities that have effectively tied rail transit improvements to central city revitalization; part 5 discusses adaptive transit, ie, tailoring transit to serve cities and suburbs; and, part 6 summarizes the key lessons learned from the case studies presented in this book and it then reviews efforts under way in five North American metropolitan areas: Portland, Oregon; Vancouver, British Columbia; San Diego, California; St. Louis, Missouri; and Houston, Texas. The book closes with a discussion of the challenges of nurturing and growing transit metropolises in the 21st century.