Mart Matthias Lamers, Tim I Breugem, Anna Z Mykytyn, Yiquan Wang, Nathalie Groen, Kèvin Knoops, Debby Schipper, Jelte van der Vaart, Charlotte D Koopman, Jingshu Zhang, Douglas C Wu, Petra B van den Doel, Theo Bestebroer, Corine GeurtsvanKessel, Peter J Peters, Mauro J Muraro, Hans Clevers, Nicholas C Wu, Bart L Haagmans
A new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic has started as SARS-CoV-2 variants are emerging globally, raising concerns for increased transmissibility. Early 2021 the B. 1.1. 7 (or Alpha) variant, became the dominant variant globally and epidemiological data suggests this variant spreads faster than its ancestors. However, this does not prove that a variant is intrinsically phenotypically different, let alone more transmissible or fit. Therefore, rapid phenotyping of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern is urgently needed. We found that airway, intestinal and alveolar organoids infected with the B. 1.1. 7 variant produced higher levels of infectious virus late in infection compared to its 614G-containing ancestor. The B. 1.1. 7 variant also had a clear fitness advantage in human airway organoids. In alveolar organoids, the B. 1.1. 7 variant induced lower levels of innate immunity. These findings suggest that the B. 1.1. 7 variant is phenotypically different from its ancestor and may explain why this clade has spread rapidly across the globe.