Lucia Carbone, R Alan Harris, Sante Gnerre, Krishna R Veeramah, Belen Lorente-Galdos, John Huddleston, Thomas J Meyer, Javier Herrero, Christian Roos, Bronwen Aken, Fabio Anaclerio, Nicoletta Archidiacono, Carl Baker, Daniel Barrell, Mark A Batzer, Kathryn Beal, Antoine Blancher, Craig L Bohrson, Markus Brameier, Michael S Campbell, Oronzo Capozzi, Claudio Casola, Giorgia Chiatante, Andrew Cree, Annette Damert, Pieter J De Jong, Laura Dumas, Marcos Fernandez-Callejo, Paul Flicek, Nina V Fuchs, Ivo Gut, Marta Gut, Matthew W Hahn, Jessica Hernandez-Rodriguez, LaDeana W Hillier, Robert Hubley, Bianca Ianc, Zsuzsanna Izsvák, Nina G Jablonski, Laurel M Johnstone, Anis Karimpour-Fard, Miriam K Konkel, Dennis Kostka, Nathan H Lazar, Sandra L Lee, Lora R Lewis, Yue Liu, Devin P Locke, Swapan Mallick, Fernando L Mendez, Matthieu Muffato, Lynne V Nazareth, Kimberly A Nevonen, Majesta O’Bleness, Cornelia Ochis, Duncan T Odom, Katherine S Pollard, Javier Quilez, David Reich, Mariano Rocchi, Gerald G Schumann, Stephen Searle, James M Sikela, Gabriella Skollar, Arian Smit, Kemal Sonmez, Boudewijn ten Hallers, Elizabeth Terhune, Gregg WC Thomas, Brygg Ullmer, Mario Ventura, Jerilyn A Walker, Jeffrey D Wall, Lutz Walter, Michelle C Ward, Sarah J Wheelan, Christopher W Whelan, Simon White, Larry J Wilhelm, August E Woerner, Mark Yandell, Baoli Zhu, Michael F Hammer, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Evan E Eichler, Lucinda Fulton, Catrina Fronick, Donna M Muzny, Wesley C Warren, Kim C Worley, Jeffrey Rogers, Richard K Wilson, Richard A Gibbs
Nature Publishing Group UK
Gibbons are small arboreal apes that display an accelerated rate of evolutionary chromosomal rearrangement and occupy a key node in the primate phylogeny between Old World monkeys and great apes. Here we present the assembly and analysis of a northern white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys) genome. We describe the propensity for a gibbon-specific retrotransposon (LAVA) to insert into chromosome segregation genes and alter transcription by providing a premature termination site, suggesting a possible molecular mechanism for the genome plasticity of the gibbon lineage. We further show that the gibbon genera (Nomascus, Hylobates, Hoolock and Symphalangus) experienced a near-instantaneous radiation ∼5 million years ago, coincident with major geographical changes in southeast Asia that caused cycles of habitat compression and expansion. Finally, we identify signatures of positive …