Hamilton Inbadas, Michelle Gillies, David Clark
Glasgow End of Life Studies Group, University of Glasgow, Dumfries Campus
Several people helped us in this endeavour and we are grateful to them all. Craig White and Janice Birrell saw the value of the idea and on behalf of Scottish Government commissioned the work and together with their colleagues gave us feedback on an earlier draft. The Atlantes programme of the University of Navarra contributed with assistance from José Miguel Carrasco Gimeno on the questionnaire development and Eduardo Garralda who helped us with the entry format for the European Atlas of Palliative Care.
Amanda Jane Ward assisted with data collection in the survey of specialist palliative care services. Rachel Lucas provided data collation and information for the socio economic data summary. Scott Murray contributed material for the section on education. Mark Hazelwood assisted with the sections on palliative care development and policy, and made general comments throughout an earlier draft. Barry Melia assisted with the section on opioids. Lauren Parry provided the GIS data mapping expertise and Andrew Rees helped with design issues for the data maps. Any mistakes or omissions are those of the authors alone.