Monique Claire Tardif
University of Toronto (Canada)
Speech accommodation is a process in which an individual’s speech becomes more (convergence) or less (divergence) similar to their interlocutor’s speech. Individuals diverge to increase distance and reduce commonality between conversation partners (Shepard, Giles, Le Poire, 2001) based on social biases (Babel, 2010). Hypernasality is a negatively perceived (Blood & Hyman, 1997; Watterson, Mancini, Brancamp, & Lewis, 2013) speech disorder resulting from an excessive amount of acoustic energy emanating from the nasal cavity (Zajac & Vallino, 2017). Since it is theorized that individuals diverge in negative social contexts (Shepard et al., 2001) and that hypernasality is negatively perceived (Blood & Hyman, 1997; Watterson et al., 2013), we hypothesized that speakers would diverge from hypernasal speech. Speakers read sentences in response to hearing pre-recorded sentences with modelled …