Jaekwang Jeong, Jongwon Lee, Gabriel Talaia, Wonnam Kim, Junho Song, Juhyeon Hong, Kwangmin Yoo, David Gonzalez, Diana Athonvarangkul, Jaehun Shin, Pamela Dann, Ann Haberman, Lark Kyun Kim, Shawn Ferguson, Jungmin Choi, John Wysolmerski
Research Square
American Journal Experts
Involution of the mammary gland after lactation is a dramatic example of coordinated cell death. Weaning causes distension of the alveolar structures due to the accumulation of milk, which, in turn, activates STAT3 and initiates a caspase-independent but lysosome-dependent cell death (LDCD) pathway. Although the importance of STAT3 and LDCD in early mammary involution is well established, it has not been entirely clear how milk stasis activates STAT3. In this report, we demonstrate that protein levels of the PMCA2 calcium pump are significantly downregulated within 2–4 hours of experimental milk stasis. Reductions in PMCA2 expression correlate with an increase in cytoplasmic calcium in vivo as measured by multiphoton intravital imaging of GCaMP6f fluorescence. These events occur concomitant with the appearance of nuclear pSTAT3 expression but prior to significant activation of LDCD or its previously …