Daniele Bullegas
Università di Siena
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. These core symptoms, depending on the severity, can affect the person's functioning, profoundly modify the family structure in relational and emotional terms, and significantly influence parenting skills and resources. Parents of children with ADHD appear to perceive themselves as less competent and effective in educating and regulating their children. By adopting a systemic-transactional perspective, these attitudes can be interpreted as the result of a complex interactive system in which the unpredictable behavior of the children leads the adult to failures in the regulatory processes. At the same time, the parent-child relationship is often characterized by negative disciplinary behaviors and the use of dysfunctional educational strategies such as punishments; these practices influence the development of a «reactive-negative» style, characterized by high levels of control, authoritarianism and emotional reactions of anger and frustration. Parental cognitions also play an important role in these dynamics. Often understood as that set of knowledge, beliefs and expectations, parental cognitions can influence family perception and parental attributional styles. Families of children with ADHD tend to consider negative behaviors associated with internal factors of the child and, therefore, stable over time and controllable, and to interpret positive behaviors as caused by unstable external factors and, therefore, difficult to control. Faced with the challenges mentioned, families are called to redefine themselves in emotional, relational, educational and …