Priyanka Sharma, Amit C Kharkwal, Harsha Kharkwal, MZ Abdin, Ajit Varma
Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res
Aloe vera is a perennial, drought resisting succulent herb that belongs to the Asphodelaceae family. It is called the healing plant or the silent healer because of its wound and burn healing properties. Aloe vera has been known and used for centuries for its health, beauty, medicinal and skin care attributes and is used in a variety of commercial products. It has a vast traditional role in indigenous system of medicine like ayurveda, siddha, unani and homoeopathy. The pharmacologically active ingredients of aloe are concentrated in inner parenchymatous tissue, called aloe gel and outer pericyclic tubules, called aloe sap or aloe juice. The bioactive compounds from Aloe vera are very effective in various treatments, such as burns, allergic reactions, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, acid indigestion, ulcers, diabetes, skin diseases, dysentery, diarrhoea, piles and inflammatory conditions of the digestive system. Most of the health benefits associated with Aloe vera have been attributed to the polysaccharides contained in the gel of the leaf. Cosmetic products made from Aloe gives a healthy and supple look to the skin by reducing wrinkles, curing acne, rejuvenating and giving it a youthful glow. In the pharmaceutical industry, it has been used for the manufacture of topical products such as ointments and gel preparations, as well as in the production of tablets and capsules. The present review is therefore, an effort to give a detailed survey of literature on its traditional, phytochemical and pharmacological properties.
P Sharma, AC Kharkwal, H Kharkwal, MZ Abdin… - Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res, 2014