J Chiwuzie, F Ukoli, O Okojie, E Isah, I Eriator
World health forum 1987; 8 (2): 240-244
The majority of people of Nigeria use traditional rather than Western medicine for reasons of culture, cost and availability. If the harmful aspects of traditional medicine could be eliminated, and if the two systems were to collaborate with one another, the population would undoubtedly be better served than at present. Surveys conducted among members of the traditional and orthodox professions have revealed a large measure of support in each for the idea of integration.
Until the beginning of the 19th century, all medical practices were “traditional” to some extent. Assumptions then began to be tested experimentally, and reason began to replace intuition and superstition. However, in countries where the new scientific approach was imported by foreigners, or by nationals who had studied abroad, it was often confined to the higher centres of learning and administration; even today many people prefer the services of …
J Chiwuzie, F Ukoli, O Okojie, E Isah, I Eriator - World health forum 1987; 8 (2): 240-244, 1987