Anindya Wirasatriya, Denny Nugroho Sugianto, Muhammad Helmi, Lilik Maslukah, Riandi Teguh Widiyandono, Vivi Endar Herawati, Petrus Subardjo, Gentur Handoyo, Hariyadi Hariyadi, Jarot Marwoto, Agus Anugroho Dwi Suryoputro, Warsito Atmodjo, Heryoso Setiyono
EM International
The seasonal variation of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in Java Sea shows the semi-annual peaks of SST cooling and warming which is mainly regulated by the speed of the monsoon wind which also semi-annually changes its directions. Nevertheless, how the wind influence the variability of SST in Java Sea was still unstudied. We examined latent and sensible heat flux to link between wind speed and SST variation. Moreover, we also analyzed the radiation budget to complete the heat flux analysis. A set of the remote sensing based data from 2002 to 2016 were used in this study. The parameters were SST, surface wind, latent and sensible heat flux, and shortwave and longwave radiation. We calculated net heat flux by summing all heat flux and radiation parameters. All parameters were composed into monthly climatology. Generally, the SST variation in Java Sea was influenced by heat gain and heat loss. The heat gain was contributed by incoming shortwave radiation with the average value about 210 W/m2. The heat loss was contributed by latent heat flux i.e., about 105 W/m2 and outgoing longwave radiation i.e., about 50 W/m2. The sensible heat flux was negligible since the value was very small i.e., almost 0 W/m2. Thus, net heat flux in Java Sea was surplus about 55 W/m2. Since sensible heat flux was very small, the mechanism of wind speed on affecting SST was through latent heat release. The stronger wind, the higher latent heat release, the lower SST will be and vice versa.