Robert Schleip, W Klingler, F Lehmann-Horn
Journal of Biomechanics
Contraction of fascia-due to the activity of myofibroblasts-is already known to occur in wound healing and in pathological contractures like Morbus Dupuytren. With immunohistological analysis we demonstrate the presence of contractile connective tissue cells (myofibroblasts) in normal human fasciae, particularly the fascia lata, plantar fascia, and the posterior layer of the lumbar fascia (n= 32, 17-91 yrs., 25 male, 7 female). Among these fasciae, density of myofibroblasts is highest in the lumbar fascia (p< 0.05); it is higher in males (p< 0.05) and generally in areas with a high crimp formation in collagen arrangement as well as in areas close to blood vessels. For in vitro contraction tests we suspended strips of fresh lumbar fascia from rats in an organ bath and measured for responsiveness to potential contractile agonists. No response was seen from acetylcholine, epinephrine, and angiotensin. Yet with mepyramine, which is an agonist on myofibroblasts, there were clear contractile responses (n= 29, p< 0.05); whereas the nitric oxide donator glyceryltrinitrate induced relaxation (n= 13, p< 0.05). The measured contraction forces are strong enough to result in significant influences on musculoskeletal dynamics when assuming a similar contractility in vivo (eg 30-40N for the human thoracolumbar fascia). Our findings suggest that active fascial contractility may influence low back stability and other aspects of human biomechanics. This promises to have implications for the understanding of pathologies with an increased or decreased myofascial tonus and offers new insights for treatments directed at fascia, such as osteopathy, Rolfing or acupuncture …