M Dehinde Awogbenja
Breast milk had for a long time been recognized as the ideal food for babies. However, in many cultures it is common practice to give babies other substances to drink within the first days of life. The use of other substance has been found to result in the baby receiving insufficient breast milk and may lead to lactation failure, diarrhoea and shortening of the duration of breast-feeding. This cross-sectional study was conducted among mothers attending the child welfare clinic at the Comprehensive Health Centre Shabu, with the aim to determine the breast feeding behaviour of 125 mothers who had 0-24 months old babies. The percentage of the mothers who breast fed their babies within one hour of delivery was 22.8% while 61.8% initiate breastfeeding within 24 hours of delivery. It was also found that 15.4% of the mothers’ breast fed 24 hours after birth. Another finding of the study was that 75.3% of the mothers gave colostrums, while 24.7% of them didn’t. The relationship between giving colostrums and education level of mothers and place of delivery was found to be significant (P< 0.05). The result also showed that 64.0% of the mothers gave breast milk as the first food to their babies immediately after birth, while 30.2% and 2.5% gave water and herbs respectively, water was therefore found as most challenging factor to breastfeeding by mothers. The frequency of feeding also varies among mothers with about 42.2% feeding their babies between 7-12 times per day while 43.3% more than 11 times daily. It was also found that 46.7% and 42.8% mothers allowed the babies to suckle until the child leave the breast or sleep off. The relationship between …