Alexandru Deac, Qingqing Qi, Anura S Indulkar, Hitesh S Purohit, Yi Gao, Geoff GZ Zhang, Lynne S Taylor
Molecular Pharmaceutics
American Chemical Society
High drug load amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) have been a challenge to formulate partially because drug release is inhibited at high drug loads. The maximum drug load prior to inhibition of release has been termed the limit of congruency (LoC) and has been most widely studied for copovidone (PVPVA)-based ASDs. The terminology was derived from the observation that below LoC, the polymer controlled the kinetics and the drug and the polymer released congruently, while above LoC, the release rates diverged and were impaired. Recent studies show a correlation between the LoC value and drug–polymer interaction strength, where a lower LoC was observed for systems with stronger interactions. The aim of this study was to investigate the causality between drug–PVPVA interaction strength and LoC. Four chemical analogues with diverse abilities to interact with PVPVA were used as model drugs. The …