David K Hutchinson, Helen K Coxall, Daniel J Lunt, Margret Steinthorsdottir, Agatha M De Boer, Michiel Baatsen, Anna Von Der Heydt, Matthew Huber, Alan T Kennedy-Asser, Lutz Kunzmann, Jean-Baptiste Ladant, Caroline H Lear, Karolin Moraweck, Paul N Pearson, Emanuela Piga, Matthew J Pound, Ulrich Salzmann, Howie D Scher, Willem P Sijp, Kasia K Śliwińska, Paul A Wilson, Zhongshi Zhang
Climate of the Past
Copernicus Publications
The Eocene–Oligocene transition (EOT) was a climate shift from a largely ice-free greenhouse world to an icehouse climate, involving the first major glaciation of Antarctica and global cooling occurring million years ago (Ma) and lasting . The change is marked by a global shift in deep-sea representing a combination of deep-ocean cooling and growth in land ice volume. At the same time, multiple independent proxies for ocean temperature indicate sea surface cooling, and major changes in global fauna and flora record a shift toward more cold-climate-adapted species. The two principal suggested explanations of this transition are a decline in atmospheric and changes to ocean gateways, while orbital forcing likely influenced the precise timing of the glaciation. Here we review and synthesise proxy evidence of palaeogeography, temperature, ice sheets, ocean circulation and change from the marine and terrestrial realms. Furthermore, we quantitatively compare proxy records of change to an ensemble of climate model simulations of temperature change across the EOT. The simulations compare three forcing mechanisms across the EOT: decrease, palaeogeographic changes and ice sheet growth. Our model ensemble results demonstrate the need for a global cooling mechanism beyond the imposition of an ice sheet or palaeogeographic changes. We find that forcing involving a large decrease in of ca. 40 % ( drop) provides the best fit to the available proxy evidence, with ice sheet and palaeogeographic changes playing a secondary role. While this large decrease is consistent with some proxy records …