Muntaha Hameed Hussein, SuhadH Khairi, Mahasin T AL-Harbawe
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Objective: To evaluate the impact of exclusive breastfeeding education given to primipara mothers at kirkuk city hospitals
Methodology: A purposive thirty primipara women were selected purposely from three hospitals at kirkuk city and attending for receiving antenatal care and exclusive breastfeeding sessions during the period from March 1st to October 1st 2020. Data collected through interview and observation. Evaluation of exclusive breastfeeding completed through checklist in delivery room while hospitalize and follow up for six month to their babies through phone call after discharge
Results:. After educational sessions and immediately after birth the results showed that all (n= 30, 100%) of study sample continue breastfeeding until baby left the breast. The majority (n= 26, 86%) of them their babies never separated from mothers, asuccessful position during lactation for both mothers and their babies and family …
MH Hussein, SH Khairi, MT AL-Harbawe - Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation