Andrew Thomas Martin
University of California, Los Angeles
I would also like to thank those who helped set me on the path that has led me here: my first linguistics teacher, John Haviland, for planting the seed that would eventually turn into a career, and Bernard Tranel, for single-handedly turning me into a phonologist. Of course, I would not be here at all were it not for my parents, Dennis and Gloria Martin, who not only gave me my first copy of Fromkin and Rodman, but whose unflagging love and encouragement have been a constant source of inspiration in my life. No matter how many languages I study, I will never have the words to express how much their support has meant to me. Finally, I thank my wife, Hisako, and my daughter Yuki. Hisako has made many sacrifices to allow me to do what I most wanted to do, and Yuki’s infectious smile has always managed to illuminate the darkest moments of writing this dissertation. To you both I offer a heartfelt arigato.