S Harb, K Salahel Din, A Abbady
In this paper, we describe a method of calibrating of efficiency of a HPGe γ-ray spectrometry of bulk environmental samples (Tea, crops, water, and soil) is a significant part of the environmental radioactivity measurements. Here we will discuss the full energy peak efficiency (FEPE) of three HPGe detectors it as a consequence, it is essential that the efficiency is determined for each set-up employed. Besides to take full advantage at γ-ray spectrometry, a set of efficiency at several energies which covers the wide the range in energy, the large the number of radionuclides whose concentration can be determined to measure the main natural γ-ray emitters, the efficiency should be known at least from 46.54 keV (210Pb) to 1836 keV (88Y). Radioactive sources were prepared from two different standards, a first mixed standard QCY40 containing 210Pb, 241Am, 109Cd, and Co57, and the second QCY48 containing241Am, 109Cd, 57Co, 139 Ce, 113Sn, 85Sr, 137Cs, 88Y, and 60Co is necessary in order to calculate the activity of the different radionuclides contained in a sample. In this work, we will study the efficiency calibration as a function of different parameters as:-Energy of gamma ray from 46.54 keV (210Pb) to 1836 keV (88Y), three different detectors A, B, and C, geometry of containers (point source, marinelli beaker, and cylindrical bottle 1 L), height of standard soil samples in bottle 250 ml, and density of standard environmental samples. These standard environmental sample must be measured before added standard solution because we will use the same environmental samples in order to consider the selfabsorption especially and composition …