Alper Tuna Güven
International Journal of General Medicine
Taylor & Francis
I have read with great enthusiasm the paper that Jian et al have submitted. While their findings regarding red cell distribution width-to-albumin ratio (RAR) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) mortality are interesting and consistent with the existing literature, their manuscript contains a major epidemiological nomenclature flaw. Although the conclusion part of the main text is correct, the conclusion part of the abstract states that the RAR was an independent risk factor for in-hospital all-cause mortality in intensive care patients with AMI. A risk factor is a feature that has a “causal impact” on disease occurrence, progression, or severity, and the disease would not have occurred in its current form in the absence of the risk factor. 1
As the authors have mentioned in the manuscript, red cell distribution width (RDW) and albumin levels alter during inflammatory states. While the former is a negative acute phase reactant, the …