Richard Thallman, Alexandria Snider
Beef Improvement Federation Proceedings
Embryo transfer (ET) is an important tool for genetic improvement of cattle. Most of the performance records of the millions of seedstock cattle produced by embryo transfer over the past 50 years have been excluded from national genetic evaluations. A topic entitled “Embryo Transfer: Data Collection and Utilization” was recently added to the Beef Improvement Federation Guidelines to provide recommendations on the utilization in genetic evaluation of records of cattle produced by embryo transfer. Background information on the use of embryo transfer in cattle breeding, various forms of ET and terminology used to describe them, and their relative advantages and disadvantages are provided. Based on this background, the rationale behind the recommendations in the current BIF Guidelines is explained. To the extent feasible, records of cattle produced by ET should be included in genetic evaluation but records produced using certain variants of ET should be excluded. The reasons for those exclusions are explained and actions that could allow more records to be included in future genetic evaluations are proposed.
Technical Abstract: Most of the performance records of the millions of seedstock cattle produced by embryo transfer over the past 50 years have been excluded from national cattle evaluation (NCE). A topic entitled “Embryo Transfer (ET): Data Collection and Utilization” was recently added to the BIF Guidelines to provide recommendations on the utilization in genetic evaluation of records of cattle produced by embryo transfer. Here, we provide background information on the use of embryo transfer in cattle breeding, various forms of ET …