Aditya Ponnada, Shirlene Wang, Daniel Chu, Bridgette Do, Genevieve Dunton, Stephen Intille
JMIR Formative Research
JMIR Publications Inc., Toronto, Canada
Background: Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) uses mobile technology to enable in situ self-report data collection on behaviors and states. In a typical EMA study, participants are prompted several times a day to answer sets of multiple-choice questions. Although the repeated nature of EMA reduces recall bias, it may induce participation burden. There is a need to explore complementary approaches to collecting in situ self-report data that are less burdensome yet provide comprehensive information on an individual’s behaviors and states. A new approach, microinteraction EMA (μEMA), restricts EMA items to single, cognitively simple questions answered on a smartwatch with single-tap assessments using a quick, glanceable microinteraction. However, the viability of using μEMA to capture behaviors and states in a large-scale longitudinal study has not yet been demonstrated.
Objective: This paper describes the μEMA protocol currently used in the Temporal Influences on Movement & Exercise (TIME) Study conducted with young adults, the interface of the μEMA app used to gather self-report responses on a smartwatch, qualitative feedback from participants after a pilot study of the μEMA app, changes made to the main TIME Study μEMA protocol and app based on the pilot feedback, and preliminary μEMA results from a subset of active participants in the TIME Study.
Methods: The TIME Study involves data collection on behaviors and states from 246 individuals; measurements include passive sensing from a smartwatch and smartphone and intensive smartphone-based hourly EMA, with 4-day EMA bursts every 2 weeks. Every day …