Zoran Nikoloski, Isabella Østerlund, Zhiming Ma, Yansong Miao, Staffan Persson
The actin cytoskeleton forms a dynamic network composed of filaments that remain flexible when bundled up, leading to complex filamentous structures in plant cells. Understanding the properties of these filamentous structures under different conditions and in different cell types can provide insight into their function. Yet, despite developments in the study of the plant actin cytoskeleton, it remains challenging to segment and identify actin filamentous structures, preventing quantification of their spatiotemporal properties. To address this problem, we devised a network-based approach termed Graph of Filaments over Time (GraFT) to trace and track filamentous structures in cytoskeleton networks extracted from imaging data. Our comparative analyses using both synthetic and real-world actin cytoskeleton networks of Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyls exposed to different treatments demonstrated that GraFT accurately …
Z Nikoloski, I Østerlund, Z Ma, Y Miao, S Persson - 2024