Khalil Gazar Ghelab, Hala Abbas Naji
Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences
The present study was undertaken to assess the neurotoxic effect of metronidazole in rabbits. Eighteen rabbits were randomly divided into three equal groups, first group was injected with metronidazole at the therapeutic dose 20 mg/kg. BW, second group was injected with metronidazole at double therapeutic dose where as the last group serve as a control. Each animal in all groups was administered intraperitoneally twice daily for (20) days. The evaluations markers have used in this study were monitering of clinical symptoms and determination of histopathological changes in brain and sciatic nerve. The careful observation of clinical signs, reflexes (patellar, cross extensor, and papillary light) and certain responses (pupil size, nystagmus and a menance response) in first and second group showed a remarkable nervous system dysfunction has improved by histopathological examination of brain and sciatic nerve. there were sever vacuolation in brain, where the lesion was characterized by spongiform changes, and degeneration of the nerve bundles in sciatic nerve were detected in rabbits treated with metronidazole at therapeutic dose, where as there is degeneration and selective loss of parkinjii cells with sever congestion in brain as well as demylination and degeneration in sciatic nerve in rabbits treated with metronidazole at double therapeutic dose. This study revealed that metronidazole has a neurotoxic effect in rabbits (both centrally and peripherally) with a severity depended on its dose and duration of administration.
KG Ghelab, HA Naji - Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences, 2011