Christine Halse, Brandi Fox, Caroline Mahoney
European Conference on Educational Research, Copenhagen. Available at: http://www. eera-ecer. de/ecer-programmes/conference/22/contribution/41666/(accessed 31 October 2018)
Schools and schooling systems across Europe and in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and elsewhere have developed intercultural policies and curricula for schools to promote cultural knowledge, foster positive relations between different racial, ethnic and religious groups, and build cultural cohesion. Researchers have examined efforts to foster students’ interculturality in schools (eg Coulby, 2006; Perry & Southwell, 2011; 2010; Taylor 2014; Walton et al. 2015).
Less frequently considered is how young people experience and learn interculturality beyond the formal boundaries of the classroom and curriculum. Attending to this research gap, this paper examines how critical moments in young people’s lives create formative instances of intercultural learning. It draws on data from a qualitative, longitudinal (3 year) life history study of interculturality among ethnically, socially and religiously diverse primary (n= 40) and …
C Halse, B Fox, C Mahoney - … on Educational Research, Copenhagen. Available at …, 2017