Daniel Niederer, Lutz Vogt, Torsten Pippig, Rudolf Wall, Winfried Banzer
PURPOSE: To further explore the interrelationship between 3D-kinematics and muscle endurance capacity in the unimpaired cervical spine.
METHODS: Twenty healthy subjects (38±10yrs; 5♀, 15♂) performed 2 sets of 10 repetitive maximal cervical flexion/extension movements in an upright sitting position at a self-determined velocity. Standardized isometric muscle endurance tests (prone/supine lying) were applied between sets to induce local muscle fatigue quantified by RPE and shift in mean power frequency (surface EMG; m. sternocleidomastoideus, m. splenius capitis). Cervical motion characteristics (coefficient of variation (CV), evasive movements in rotation (ROT) and lateral flexion (LAT), maximal range of motion (ROM) and mean angular movement velocity (V)) were calculated from raw 3D ultrasonic movement data.
RESULTS: The average isometric strength testing duration for flexion (162±88s; RPE …
D Niederer, L Vogt, T Pippig, R Wall, W Banzer - 2013