Sanjeeta Kumari Yadav, Manish Kumar Balai
Women & children are our Nation’s greatest assets. Health of the women is the basis for the better health of the family as well as of the nation. Reproductive tract infections (RTIs) are recognized as a public health problems and rank second-after maternal morbidity and mortality as the cause of healthy life loss among women of reproductive age in developing countries. If left untreated, RTIs can cause the following serious consequences: infertility, ectopic pregnancy, cervical cancer, menstrual disturbances, pregnancy loss and low birth weight babies.
1. To assess the pre-test knowledge of married women regarding prevention of reproductive tract infections. 2. To assess the post-test knowledge of married women regarding prevention of reproductive tract infections. 3. To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of married women regarding prevention of reproductive tract infections. 4. To find out the association between post-test level of knowledge of married women regarding reproductive tract infections with the selected demographic variables.
The research design adopted for this study was one group pre-test, post-test Preexperimental design and research approach adopted for this was to evaluative approach. The sample size was 60 married women selected by non-probability convenient sampling techniques. Data was collected by using structured questionnaire, this consists of two sections. Section Ion Demographic variables and Section II on Questionnaire regarding knowledge on RTIs.
The mean pre-test knowledge score of married women on RTIs was 16.47±4.935 …