Leysan Nurgalieva, Alisa Frik, Gavin Doherty
Proc. 8th Annu. Hot Topics Sci. Secur. Symp.(HoTSoS)
2 Methods
In this work, we adopted a narrative review methodology. When compared to systematic literature reviews, narrative reviews produce a more selective survey of the literature [32; 44] and offer the flexibility to deal with “evolving knowledge and concepts”[19, p. 2], such as the topic of this research. Following the literature review typology by Paré et al., narrative reviews are considered as “a great starting point to bridge related areas of work, provoke thoughts, inspire new theoretical models, and direct future efforts in a research domain”[84, p. 185]. This choice of methodology was driven by two main objectives: 1) to identify the factors and research hypotheses that affect the adoption of privacy and security practices in software development and design teams, and 2) to develop a conceptual model of the identified factors.
We developed the review protocol following a guiding framework by Walker et al.[109]. The framework itself relies on the “general framework for narrative synthesis” described by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination [102]. Table 1 in appendix A describes the main stages of the study protocol for selecting the most relevant documents related to the research topic. The process included four stages: initial search strategy, building of the initial model, systematic search, and model refinement. During the initial search, a group of three researchers worked together on the literature mapping using their expertise and knowledge on the subject to map prior studies and identify those relevant to the research objective. All references identified as relevant were saved and organized in the shared repository, where we coded the …