Axelle Clochard, Elizabeth Doran, Myah Scott, Robert Lynn-Green, Reggie Gilliard, Daniel Mangoubi, Judy Cannon, Natalie Reid, Yange Xue, Sara Bernstein
Partnerships between Early Head Start (EHS) programs and child care providers strive to increase access to high-quality, comprehensive services that meet the needs of infants and toddlers from families with low incomes. The Early Head Start–Child Care Partnerships (EHS-CC Partnerships) grants provided a dedicated funding stream to support some of these partnerships. In 2015, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) awarded 250 such grants to support partnerships between EHS programs and regulated child care providers, including centers and family child care providers. The National Descriptive Study (NDS) of EHS-CC Partnerships of 2016, which was the first national study of the partnering EHS programs and child care providers, reported information on the EHS programs, child care centers, and family child care providers participating in the Partnerships that were funded through the 2015 round of grants. This study, the EHS-CC Partnership Sustainability Study of 2022, is a follow-up to the NDS of 2016 to understand whether the Partnerships in the 2015 round of grants lasted, how they changed, and the factors related to their sustainability.