Manjul Tripathi, Rama Chandra Deo, Vinkle Srivastav, BABY Britty, Ramandeep Singh, Natesan Damodaran, SURI Ashish
Turkish Neurosurgery
AIm: The utilization of technology for purpose of imparting knowledge, especially in high-end branches like neurosurgery, has gained prominence in the contemporary academic scenario. The technological advancements have brought about outstanding transformation to education and patient care. The connectivity through smartphone applications (apps) has transcended the spatial and temporal limitations, thereby enabling easy access to virtually infinite storehouse of knowledge. Although there are numerous neurosurgery related apps, yet there is still a dearth of quality apps that may serve the purpose. mATERIAl and mEThods: Relevant apps were searched and evaluated on PlayStore and Apple App store, based on their content, user interface, performance, and utility in routine practice and compared with their cost, size and popularity. They were categorized into apps related to textbooks, scoring systems, patient education, operative procedures, blogs, journals, conferences and promotional.
REsulTs: 159 relevant apps were hosted on App stores; 54.7% apps were free of cost.“Neuromind” was the most downloaded app because of its simplicity, free access and applicability. Students and practitioners prefer various apps linked to scoring systems, textbooks and operative illustrations. Apps have helped patients in better understanding of their diseases and management options.
CoNClusIoN: Development of web-based technologies has divided medical professionals into traditional and modernized learners. Mobile apps permit knowledge to be structured visually to facilitate its easy diffusion in the peer community. A technologically …
M Tripathi, RC Deo, V Srivastav, B Britty, R Singh… - Turkish Neurosurgery, 2014