Nick Axford, Vashti Berry, Jenny Lloyd, Darren Moore, Morwenna Rogers, Alison Hurst, Kelly Blockley, Hannah Durkin, Jacqueline Minton
Education Endowment Foundation
This report provides a review of international evidence regarding parent engagement in children’s learning and investigates what schools in England are doing currently to promote parent engagement in children’s learning. Parent engagement here refers to parents’ participation in supporting their child’s learning (academic attainment, 1 related learning outcomes2 and behaviour), whether at home, in school or via home-school connections and wider community collaborations (Harris and Goodall 2007).
The importance of parent engagement in children’s learning is widely acknowledged (eg Goodall 2017), indeed the evidence suggests that it has many benefits, such as improvements in literacy and maths skills (Van Voorhis et al. 2013), better school attendance (McConnell and Kubina 2014) and closure of the achievement gap (Goodall 2017). A review published over 15 years ago (Desforges and Abouchaar …