MF Abiduzzaman, Sharmin Afroze, Uzzal Kumar Ghosh, Farhana Rahat, Azmeri Sultana, Ahmed Murtaza Choudhury
MR Khan Shishu Hospital. JMRKSH
Background: Typhoid fever is common in children. Primarily it is a disease of the intestine but bacteremia leads to the involvement of multiple organs. Various hematological and biochemical parameters can be altered which is related to mortality and morbidity. So this study was aimed to evaluate the hematological and biochemical parameters in typhoid fever of children in complicated versus uncomplicated cases.
Methodology: A prospective cohort study was done among 173 Children aged 6 months to 15 years within a period from January 2020 to December 2020 in Dr MR Khan Shishu Hospital and Institute of Child Health. Hospitalized typhoid fever patients who were diagnosed by blood culture or rising titer of Widal test were enrolled according to selection criteria. Detail history, a thorough examination was done. CBC, SGPT, serum electrolytes, and serum creatinine were sent. Complications of typhoid fever were noted.
Results: Majority of the children were between 6-9 years of age with male predominance. Leukocytosis found in 12.13% cases. About 15% of cases had Thrombocytopenia. Hepatitis was found in 6.35% cases. Only 1.73% of patient had raised serum creatinine. Hyponatremia, hypochloremia, hypokalemia found in 5.78%, 10.40%, 7.51% cases respectively. Among the typhoid fever cases, 21.39% were found with complications like hepatitis, paralytic ileus, diarrhoea with electrolyte imbalance, acute kidney injury. Mean platelet count was found significantly lower in complicated typhoid fever cases whereas their mean WBC count and SGPT were found higher than uncomplicated ones.
Conclusion: Leukocytosis …