John G Laffey, Fabiana Madotto, Giacomo Bellani, Tài Pham, Eddy Fan, Laurent Brochard, Pravin Amin, Yaseen Arabi, Ednan K Bajwa, Alejandro Bruhn, Vladimir Cerny, Kevin Clarkson, Leo Heunks, Kiyoyasu Kurahashi, Jon Henrik Laake, Jose A Lorente, Lia McNamee, Nicolas Nin, Jose Emmanuel Palo, Lise Piquilloud, Haibo Qiu, Juan Ignacio Silesky Jiménez, Andres Esteban, Daniel F McAuley, Frank van Haren, Marco Ranieri, Gordon Rubenfeld, Hermann Wrigge, Arthur S Slutsky, Antonio Pesenti, John G Laffey, Tai Pham, Luciano Gattinoni, Anders Larsson, Daniel F McAuley, B Taylor Thompson, Arthur S Slutsky, Fernando Rios, Thierry Sottiaux, Pieter Depuydt, Fredy S Lora, Luciano C Azevedo, Guillermo Bugedo, Marcos Gonzalez, Juan Silesky, Jonas Nielsen, Manuel Jibaja, Dimitrios Matamis, Jorge L Ranero, SM Hashemian, Asisclo Villagomez, Amine Ali Zeggwagh, Leo M Heunks, Antero do Vale Fernandes, Dorel Sandesc, Yaasen Arabi, Vesna Bumbasierevic, Jose A Lorente, Fekri Abroug, Javier Hurtado, Ed Bajwa, Gabriel Démpaire, Hektor Sula, Lordian Nunci, Alma Cani, Alan Zazu, Christian Dellera, Risso V Alejandro, Julio Daldin, Ruben O Fernandez, Luis P Cardonnet, Lisandro R Bettini, Mariano Carboni Bisso, Emilio M Osman, Mariano G Setten, Pablo Lovazzano, Javier Alvarez, Veronica Villar, Norberto C Pozo, Nicolas Grubissich, Gustavo A Plotnikow, Daniela N Vasquez, Santiago Ilutovich, Norberto Tiribelli, Ariel Chena, Carlos A Pellegrini, María G Saenz, Elisa Estenssoro, Matias Brizuela, Hernan Gianinetto, Pablo E Gomez, Valeria I Cerrato, Marco G Bezzi, Silvina A Borello, Flavia A Loiacono, Adriana M Fernandez, Serena Knowles, Claire Reynolds, Deborah M Inskip, Jennene J Miller, Jing Kong, Christina Whitehead, Shailesh Bihari, Aylin Seven, Amanda Krstevski, Helen Rodgers, Rebecca Millar, Toni Mckenna, Irene Bailey, Gabrielle Hanlon, Anders Aneman, Joan Lynch, Raman Azad, John Neal, Paul Woods, Brigit Roberts, Mark Kol, Helen Wong, Katharina Riss, Thomas Staudinger, Xavier Wittebole, Caroline Berghe, Pierre Bulpa, Alain Dive, Rik Verstraete, Herve Lebbinck, Joris Vermassen, Philippe Meersseman, Helga Ceunen, Jonas Rosa, Daniel Beraldo, Claudio Piras, Adenilton Rampinelli, Antonio Nassar, Sergio Mataloun, Marcelo Moock, Marlus Thompson, Claudio Gonçalves, Ana Antônio, Aline Ascoli, Rodrigo Biondi, Danielle Fontenele, Danielle Nobrega, Vanessa Sales, Suresh Shindhe, Dk Ismail, Francois Beloncle, Kyle Davies, Rob Cirone, Venika Manoharan
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Little information is available about the geo-economic variations in demographics, management, and outcomes of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). We aimed to characterise the effect of these geo-economic variations in patients enrolled in the Large Observational Study to Understand the Global Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Failure (LUNG SAFE).
LUNG SAFE was done during 4 consecutive weeks in winter, 2014, in a convenience sample of 459 intensive-care units in 50 countries across six continents. Inclusion criteria were admission to a participating intensive-care unit (including transfers) within the enrolment window and receipt of invasive or non-invasive ventilation. One of the trial's secondary aims was to characterise variations in the demographics, management, and outcome of patients with ARDS. We used the 2016 World Bank countries classification to …