Benjamin Eni-itan F Afolabi, Johnson Oladesu, B Afeez Siyanbola, A Abiodun Adeloye, O Peter Odewole
Journal of Art, Design and Music
This is primarily a survey research on communication design for productivity through professionalism; focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI), its prospects and challenges. During the critical enquiry, studies proved AI has shaped ways various parts of e-design and digital piece are created and managed. Human-computer interaction is redefining how design with communication behaves, looks and feels. AI is the current trend but can create both positive and negative impact. Professionally, developed countries are breaking new grounds in designs for Medicals, e-Commerce Entertainment etc. adopting AI but not the case with a developing Nigeria. AI is key as a solution to achieving professionalism in digital design amidst lack of 21st century skills and required educational training which are identified problems in the adoption AI for communication design in Nigeria. Library research method was employed relying on secondary data and survey interviews (semi-structured) for primary data obtained from communication design experts. Therefore, the crux of the research design is a mixed method. Conclusively, achieving professionalism in communication design via AI is desirable; because Nigeria is yet to really tap and gain from the innovative communication solutions delivered by AI. Suggestively, AI should be properly harnessed in digital communication and designs meant for education, medicals, commerce, socials etc. This is necessary not only to achieving professionalism but also for sustainable design; thereby impact lives positively.
BEF Afolabi, J Oladesu, BA Siyanbola, AA Adeloye… - Journal of Art, Design and Music, 2024