Gary Potter
Old and new policies, theories, research methods and drug users across Europe
Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich, Germany
This chapter explores retail level or end-use drug distribution. The chapter reviews literature describing different patterns of drug distribution at the point of overlap between ‘supply’and ‘demand’sides of the market. Recent literature has seen the emergence of the concept of social supply and attempts to distinguish between ‘real’and ‘not real’dealers. This literature is examined alongside more established studies producing typologies of lower-level distribution and the concept of the user-dealer. There seems to be a trend in the literature that tries to differentiate between real dealers and people who supply drugs socially. Some commentators have argued for legal frameworks to reflect these different approaches to drug distribution. This chapter explores the characteristics of these patterns of distribution. It is argued that the structures of drug markets are shaped by the drugs dealt within them, the characteristics of the customers (users) served by them, and the (cultural) context in which the markets exist. It is also argued that whilst there is much value in distinguishing different approaches to retail-level distribution, the current frameworks are not rigid enough to provide for legal distinctions, and may need refining if they are to remain useful for scientific analysis. Mostly, however, the chapter raises questions–and proposes future research–rather than provides answers.