Linda Beckman
Karlstads universitet
Background: Adolescents’ social relations are associated with the state of their mental health, and while positive relations can protect against development of mental health problems, negative social relations, such as bullying, is considered a risk factor. In addition, the preconditions for establishing and maintaining social relations have changed along with the development of information and communication technology (ICT). In this new arena negative social interactions, such as bullying, can also gain a footing. Given previous research showing some distinguishing features between cyberbullying vis-a-vis traditional bullying, there may be other differences as well, some of which will be studied in the current thesis. In order to plan new and develop already-existing intervention strategies for bullying in school, it is important to clarify whether we can use previous knowledge from the field of traditional bullying or if we need to rethink our strategies. Given the harmful consequences that it entails, bullying must be considered a public health issue.
Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to study the differences and similarities between traditional bullying and cyberbullying among adolescents, with a particular focus on gender, psychosomatic problems, and disabilities. The aim is also to gain insight into school-health staff’s experience with bullying among school students.
Method: This thesis is based on four studies. Study I, II and IV take a quantitative approach based on a web-based questionnaire. The data were collected on three occasions between 2009 and 2010 in the county of Värmland. Altogether more than 3,800 adolescents in Grade 7-9 …